​What is the Ping command, and how does it work?

It seems that Ping was originally a sonar term to mean an audible wave of sound sent out to find an object. When the sound certainly hits an object, this encounter will produce sound waves whose reflection or echo will get back to its original source. This return of the sound wave can be measured in terms of time and direction. Then, distance and the object’s location can be defined.

Now, let’s jump from the ocean to computing and networking.

What is the Ping command?

The Ping command is a command line utility you can find pretty much in any operating system (OS) with network connectivity. A command line utility is a line of only text that can be entered on the command line of a computer to give it instructions for executing specific tasks.

How to use the Ping command?

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Popular Linux commands every beginner should know

Linux commands – Explanation

Linux commands are Linux operating system utilities. An interface that receives lines of text and converts them into instructions for your computer is known as a command line.

In addition, we use the Linux terminal to run the commands. Similar to the command prompt in the Windows OS, the terminal is a command-line interface for interacting with the system. A graphical user interface (GUI) is simply a command-line application abstraction. 

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